So in this installment let me tell you about my latest office pet peeve...
Israeli high-tech employers are really great with providing some sort of food or another - we get breakfast stuff (cheeses, vegetables, bread) and fruit throughout the day. not to mention the bottomless cookie jars, and by bottomless I mean that there are office elves (ok, the Russian Cleaning Lady) who keeps refilling them every time they dip below a certain level). These cookie jars really are the embodiment of evil, but that's a different post.
Anyway - it's the cheese that I have a problem with.
Well, not the cheese.
The Cheese containers.
Well, not the cheese containers.
The people who do not remove the plastic/nylon covering thing from the cheese containers that is supposed to seal in the freshness until the container is opened.
Because, darlings, once the container is opened for the first time and the seal is broken, this nylon/plastic appendage becomes superfluous (GRE word!).
In the picture above, I just opened a new container of Cottage Cheese (notice the cow-hide design of the container - how cute! it's cheese, it's from cows... get it?).
Anyway, because I just opened a new container, and because there is no point to keeping the seal on it any longer, I COMPLETELY REMOVED IT AND THREW IT AWAY!!!!!! No need to keep it half-dangling from the rim of the container, now is there, office people!??!?!?! Whats the point in that?!
Good, now that we've learned this lesson, go back to dipping your hand in the Cookie jar. Literally. those wafers go like hotcakes.
So true. We should start a campaign to make leaving the freshness wrapper illegal. My education efforts on this have yet to bare fruit.
I am happy to have found a kindred spirit, anti-wrappers of the world, unite!
I never really gave that much thought into the whole wrapper on or off business and i'd like to thank you for enlightening me.
plus - keep up those GRE words... they work for SAT too right :)
I shall now go ponder cheese issues and such.
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