Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ugly Car

Just back from a visit to the US for a little work and a little R&R and I have some things to bitch about soon, but first I wanted to share a picture of what I think has got to be the UGLIEST car ever designed. I mean really - who looked at the design for this thing and said "it looks GOOD!!!!"?
It looks like they had two different bluprints for a car and finally decided "oh well let's merge them into one by placing one design on top of the other".

Serious ugly.


nominally challenged said...

AND it has four little beady eyes in those silly headlights. What were they thinking??

Gilad said...

I know, those headlights are rediculous. I cringe every time I see it.

N said...

Now this takes me back! When I was in the army commanding checkposts, I always taught my soldiers to shout "you have an ugly car" after each Multipla passing by.

Now those were the days...

Gilad said...

it gives me a sense of inner peace that everyone agrees with me :)