- working
- apartment hunting (which consists of 90% being stuck in traffic in Tel Aviv or lost and 10% actually looking at apartments)
- trying to sleep
- catching up with family
Anyway yesterday after work I decided I was going to make use of the fact that the hotel has a beach adjacent to it and took a walk on the beach. and good news! I found the pretty! Now I'm not one to take pics of random pretty people on the beach (that would be pervy), so you'll have to use your imagination, but here is what the beach looked likeon a Wednesday afternoon:

People are playing volleyball, hanging out, etc... which leads one to ponder... doesn't the pretty need to work? I know it's summer vacation and all, but still....
This is the Tel Aviv Beach boardwalk.
So imagine my excitement when I saw the pretty people out and about. Most of the people with their shirts off had every right to be that way. And if that's how it is on a Wednesday afternoon, imagine Saturday morning, when it's national going-to-the-beach-day!
Next time... the national pasttime at the beach, and how it looks at night.
So the traffic in Tel Aviv is bad? The Beach looks great, but San Diego seems to have better weather, right?
I saw a very pretty girl at the park today... her name was Rasha. :)
traffic is Tel Aviv can be pretty bad at Rush Hour, and parking is horrendous! People who live in the city park their cars after work and then take a cab to the club so as not to lose their parking space.
Beach is fantastic and the water is warm, but weather is more humid than SD.
Melissa, next time you see her give her a kiss for me and tell her I miss her!
Angel, you of all people should know - pretty is a full time job.
I know angel, and some of us have to work two jobs!
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