Sunday, September 21, 2008

Old Town Mexican Cafe it ain't!

A nice Carne Asada Burrito. Con Queso. With salsa on the side.
That's one of the things I miss most about San Diego.
Mexican food is not that big in Israel, and when you find it, it is usually more of a texmex thing.
So it was with great trepedition that I approached "Mexicana", the Mexican restaurant that's right around the corner from my house.

So I donning my Old Navy "El Paso" T-shirt (total coincidence I assure you!) and readying myself for an adventure, I met my friend Idan for dinner at this fine establishment.
The verdict? Old Town Mexican Cafe it ain't. Or Colima's for that matter (Oh Conga Burrito, I miss you!). But it was ok, good ina pinch when you need some mexican flare (and who doesn;t every now and then? Right, Gustavo?)
I understand that as a restaurant proprietor you want to adapt your menu to the local demographic that will be patronizing your store, but I think putting Ricotta cheese in the burrito might be taking it a little too far.
The Margarita wasn't really a Margarita, it was some slush with no discernable trace of Tequila.
One really yummy thing, though, was the Churros for dessert. This was a true fusion accomplishment, as it was covered in a Halva sauce with vanilla ice-cream. It was delicious!!

So although it wasn;t to-die-for and definitely is no substitute for Colima's, they have a take-out and delivery menu and I grabbed one just in case I feel a little Mexican and a little Lazy one night :)


Anonymous said...


I have bad news for you but it must be said. Old Town Mexican is yucky. Es no bueno. Tex Mex is where it is at. Does this Mexicana establishment have space cheese? That's all you need.


Gilad said...

no, no space cheese, that's waaaay too hard-core. I really haven;t seen good space cheese since our remote-office days...
ok, but you can;t argue about Colima's on University and Mississippi - it's heaven!

Gilad said...

yeah there are a couple of other Mexican places in my neighborhood. Come over and try them out with me! :)